Sanity Health was born as a commitment of the Sixty Confort Group to the reindustrialisation of our country, in a sector, that of medical devices, which until now was in the hands of Asian producers.

Many initiatives have been launched in Spain for the manufacture of sanitary masks as a result of the crisis generated by Covid 19, but Sanity Health aims to become a national leader and a European benchmark. We also intend to remain in time and rationalise the market through a stable and adjusted price; and also through an immediate service without the costs of having to bring the goods from the other side of the planet.

The Sixty Comfort Group has become one of the national leaders in the production of sanitary, hotel and domestic mattresses. With an annual production of around 500.000 units and a wide presence in the European market. Many of the raw materials used in the production of mattresses are similar to those used in the production of face masks, and even part of the production process has some similarities. For this reason, we believe that we can quickly become one of the most competitive producers, being able to compete with any Asian manufacturer, with similar prices but with much better service and reliability.

A young team, in permanent growth, committed to innovation, the environment and new technologies has developed a reality that can serve as an example so that in different industrial fields, initiatives can arise that generate jobs and industrial fabric to our society. We believe that it is strategically essential to be self-sufficient in essential products and Sanity Health will contribute as much as possible to this objective.

Managing Director of the Sixty Confort Group